Somewhat the above .. I found myself with a few minutes to look at this using C10 as a guide
2026 1.1 Selection (bonus in parentheses):
2028 - 3,931,276 (3,565,783)
2029 - 4,127,840 (3,565,783)
2027 1.1 pick
2028 - 3,931,276 (3,744,073)
2029 - 4,127,840 (3,744,073)
2030 - 4,334,232 (3,744,073)
2028 1.1 pick (TBD) ..
2028 - 3,931,276
(3,931,277)2029 - 4,127,840
(3,931,277)2030 - 4,334,232
(3,931,277)2031 -
4,550,944 (3,931,277)Team salary caps go up .05% each year .. so do salaries.
4,334,232 x 1.05 = 4,550,943.60 (raise to the next dollar 4,550,944)
Bonus is also computed the same using last years bonus .. just multiply by 1.05