Phaldun wrote:
Um.........So I have been winning the championship in this one league you may have heard of called the 75 league. Anyway I get punished by plenty of you frackahs in this league so you better join this one to stop me from winning it. Seriously. Yes there has been a sprinkle of luck here and there because this league is already loaded with dangerous talent... but you ars holes better join this league to stop the blood thirsty Black Wind from feeding every season. I am pleasantly surprised to see that more have joined recently, but more pukas remain.
Phaldun is right that Private 75 is a league with great owners! And, we are looking to fill in the teams that are open. The only issue with this league is that Phaldun keeps winning!
If anyone would like to "personally" take him on in the division, there are 2 teams open in the CFC West Division.
"Personally" (again), my division has had 2 teams vacant for a couple seasons and I would greatly entertain having someone come in and take on those 2 teams, so myself and Hitman have some competition!
Here is the link to Private 75 if you would like to join: big thank you to Phaldun for the (75) challenge. I do advertise for this league, but have stopped sending out PM's to invite as some do not prefer it.