I see what happened. It's not stated on there why that last trade was made and there was no dispute made to the trade restriction being posted. So when I looked back there was no reference to the first trade without reading through the posts in the trades.
I'll let this slide this time. There will be no correction trades from this point forward. They will all count regardless. It will be like the Browns not sending their paperwork in time. It sucks, but sorry about your luck.
As far as you releasing your team because "the right thing" needs to be applied vs the rules. Well, the rules will prevail every time. If that irritates you sorry about that.
It's the GM's responsibility to make sure that trade offers are correct before accepting them. No excuses there. If the wrong offer was sent sorry about their luck. The whole reason we have rules in place is so that "GM's don't help other GM's" as they see fit. This one might have been innocent but if we allow it with one GM we have to allow it for all GM's. And others might not be so innocent. It would be kind of a mess really.
So I will amend this loophole in the rules with correction trades. I hope this clears things up in this regard.
Buffalo/Kansas City can resubmit there trade exactly how it was offered originally.