I use it every week. Along with over-rides in combination with changing the plays to what i want to do that week. It feels like it works. Whether it actually does or not idk.
Once you set your keys, at the bottom of the page you can view what plays are being used in the keys that you chose for that situation.
Every game unless I’m a heavy favorite. Sucks to fiddle with the bar to get it to slide. Least favorite part of gameplanning but I feel it’s worth it against good opponents.
From a functional perspective, yes they matter, but from a game planning perspective it's better to stick to all Neutral. Why? Neutral doesn't penalize your defense when you guess wrong, and if your opponent over uses a play, your defense will switch to the right key.
From a functional perspective, yes they matter, but from a game planning perspective it's better to stick to all Neutral. Why? Neutral doesn't penalize your defense when you guess wrong, and if your opponent over uses a play, your defense will switch to the right key.
Extremely fast players could benefit from running a majority series of blends of pass keys combined with blitzes .